Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kindergarten Welcomes Spring!

When we started this project, it was supposed to be a winter wonderland landscape. But somehow with the 70 degree temperatures we were having I just couldn't bring myself to make snowy creations! We decided to welcome spring(A little early but that's OK!) and make cherry blossoms instead. We discussed a few of the important parts of a landscape...the foreground, the background, and the horizon line. After we learned that we started to cut, and tear, and glue, and look what we got! They're gorgeous!!

First Grade Channeling Their Inner Caveman

The first graders have been quite the time travelers these past few months! We just finished up with Egyptian art a few weeks ago and now have gone even further back in time to study cave art. The first graders learned all about the Lascaux Caves in France where STUDENTS accidentally discovered the famous Lascaux Cave Art. After studying cave art and why the pictures were created, the students channeled their inner caveman and drew their own cave art. After they did their 4 practice drawings, they picked their favorite to draw on their clay slab. After they were fired, we painted them just like the cave men did- well...ALMOST like the cavemen did! (Somehow I doubt the cavemen had Crayola watercolors to paint with! Check out Mrs. Chance's first graders creating their cave art.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Second Grade- Starry Night & Drawing With Scissors

Second grade has just finished up a Gadget Print project based on "Starry Night" by Vincent VanGogh & they're GORGEOUS! We are now moving onto learning about Henri Matisse and his style of painting called Drawing with Scissors. The students learned that when Matisse got old, he was unable to stand to paint any more so he began drawing with scissors. He would have assistants paint large pieces of paper for him & then he would cut out figures, designs, and freeform shapes to create his pictures. We are going to be studying figure drawing in correct proportion, drawing a figure & then use these things to create our own Drawing with Scissors. This is one of my favorite second grade projects so keep your eyes open for some pictures to be coming your way as we begin production after Easter break! **Starry Night gadget prints**
**Pictures of Drawing with Scissors coming soon!!**

What's New in Third Grade

Third grade has finally finished with their clay critters! (I have the last load cookin' away in the kiln as I write!) They came out beautifully!! Their creativity always amazes me...from the interesting pots they came up with (an ant on a pinch pot that is shaped like a sandwich, a koala clinging to a tree, an Angry name it- we saw it this year!!) to the fantastic job they did with the glazing process. They are so proud of their work & I am too! They are so excited to be able to bring those home to show off to their families. So be on the look-out for the lions, and tigers, and bears..oh my! (Here are a few of the I have each class I will take some more pictures of the groups with their on the look-out for more to come soon!)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mrs. O'Brien's Class Video

Check out Mrs. O'Brien's kids in action! Making rainbow mosaics & painting beautiful rainbow stripes for the first step in our next project...enjoy the video :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life Skills- Winter Wonderland

Well...I'm really starting to wonder about that groundhog & his prediction for another 6 weeks of winter!  I may be in the minority , but I actually LIKE a little bit of the white stuff each winter!  Since we haven't seen too much of it around here, we decided to make our own winter wonderland pictures in the Life Skills' art class.  We created beautiful snowy landscape pictures complete with a little bit of glitter (to remind those of us that miss the real deal!) how pretty and sparkly some freshly fallen snow can be (and the  best part of all? NO SHOVELING REQUIRED!!) Now that's some snow we can ALL enjoy!
 (*Jaden- why so shy?!)  :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Welcome to CTE's Art Room Adventures!

Well, here it is- my first attempt at a blog!  I've decided to do this because unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of interaction with parents (since I'm not a homeroom teacher.)  I thought this would be a great way to communicate with you- sort of an "interactive newsletter" and also for you to see what goes on in the art room.  You will get a chance to read about what your child is learning & even see some pictures of them in action while creating! 

I'd LOVE to hear back from you...what your child thinks about the project they are working on, any comments, questions you may have, etc.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

~Mrs. Kelly Bortner
  CTE Art Teacher

Kindergarten Meets Roy G. Biv

Waaaay back at the beginning of the year, kindergarten learned all about the primary colors & what happens when you mix 2 of them together (the secondary colors of course!)  Well our new project revisits our color lesson & adds to it with the introduction of Roy G. Biv!  We talked about putting our colors in "rainbow order" & that to help us remember that order we can remember the silly name of our friend Roy G. Biv - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (just ask them & see how many remember him!  They amaze me every day with all they DO remember!)  With the introduction of our new buddy Roy, we began working on a rainbow mosaic picture.  We learned that often mosaics are made with small pieces of cut tile or glass &/or mirrors, etc... but we would be making our mosaics with cut paper squares.   They are still a work in progress, but I see some beautiful things happening!  Next up, will be a watercolor painting project to further reinforce rainbow order.

First Grade- Walk Like an Egyptian

Okay, okay...I have to confess- every time I do Egyptian art with first grade I have an 80's flashback to that song by The Bangles- (...and now that I've dated myself!)   Anyway...first grade began learning about Egyptian art last cycle & we will be working on this project for the next few weeks.  We began by brainstorming what we already know about Egypt- and the kids actually knew quite a bit!  They told me all about the pyramids (complete with booby traps,) Kings, the Sphinx, & MUMMIES! This of course led to the discussion about whether or not mummies are real - some were surprised to find out that they were (but no worries- I was quick to reassure them that real mummies won't come after them like they do Shaggy & Scooby!) We then talked about the sarcophagus that the mummy of the King was placed in for burial.  We discussed SYMMETRY & then they came up with a symmetrical design for the sarcophagus that they are working on.  They also got to find the letters of their name in the Egyptian hieroglyphics!  Symmetry is a tough concept for first graders, but they are doing a FABULOUS job!



Second Grade- Clay Buildings

Our second graders began working on their clay project for the year.  We started by learning about different styles of architecture & how the styles have changed through the years.  We studied the various details that come together to go into the design of a building- all the way from the style of the windows to the types of roofs there are to choose from.  The students then drew 4 different building facades demonstrating what they learned. They chose their favorite design & made that design into their clay slab.  Once their pieces dry they will be fired in the kiln & then painted so they are ready to go for the art show!

Third Grade Goes to the Dogs! (...and cats, & dolphins, & elephants...)

It's like a zoo in here! (& I'm not talking about what it sounds like when 29 third graders are handed a lump of clay either!)  Controlled chaos maybe, but a zoo? Nah!   Third grade has begun the project that I think they ALL look forward to the most from the time they step into the art room & see the samples of the animal pinch pots on display!  I haven't come across the student YET that isn't excited to get in here & get their hands dirty & start manipulating that ball of clay into their 3-D masterpiece!  We began by reviewing what a vessel is & then discussed how to turn that boring old vessel into their very own critter of some sort.  They came up with 4 drawings of animals & then chose their favorite one to turn into their pinch pot animal.  I have turtles, & dolphins, snakes & mice, elephants & name it & you can probably find it in the art room!  We will spend a few more classes bringing our animals to life & then once they are dried & fired, we will add the finishing touch- glazing them!