Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's New in Third Grade

Third grade has finally finished with their clay critters! (I have the last load cookin' away in the kiln as I write!) They came out beautifully!! Their creativity always amazes me...from the interesting pots they came up with (an ant on a pinch pot that is shaped like a sandwich, a koala clinging to a tree, an Angry Bird...you name it- we saw it this year!!) to the fantastic job they did with the glazing process. They are so proud of their work & I am too! They are so excited to be able to bring those home to show off to their families. So be on the look-out for the lions, and tigers, and bears..oh my! (Here are a few of the pictures...as I have each class I will take some more pictures of the groups with their creations...be on the look-out for more to come soon!)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the photos! Selena has been talking endlessly about this project and has elaborated on EVERY step along the way!
