Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kindergarten Welcomes Spring!

When we started this project, it was supposed to be a winter wonderland landscape. But somehow with the 70 degree temperatures we were having I just couldn't bring myself to make snowy creations! We decided to welcome spring(A little early but that's OK!) and make cherry blossoms instead. We discussed a few of the important parts of a landscape...the foreground, the background, and the horizon line. After we learned that we started to cut, and tear, and glue, and look what we got! They're gorgeous!!

First Grade Channeling Their Inner Caveman

The first graders have been quite the time travelers these past few months! We just finished up with Egyptian art a few weeks ago and now have gone even further back in time to study cave art. The first graders learned all about the Lascaux Caves in France where STUDENTS accidentally discovered the famous Lascaux Cave Art. After studying cave art and why the pictures were created, the students channeled their inner caveman and drew their own cave art. After they did their 4 practice drawings, they picked their favorite to draw on their clay slab. After they were fired, we painted them just like the cave men did- well...ALMOST like the cavemen did! (Somehow I doubt the cavemen had Crayola watercolors to paint with! Check out Mrs. Chance's first graders creating their cave art.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Second Grade- Starry Night & Drawing With Scissors

Second grade has just finished up a Gadget Print project based on "Starry Night" by Vincent VanGogh & they're GORGEOUS! We are now moving onto learning about Henri Matisse and his style of painting called Drawing with Scissors. The students learned that when Matisse got old, he was unable to stand to paint any more so he began drawing with scissors. He would have assistants paint large pieces of paper for him & then he would cut out figures, designs, and freeform shapes to create his pictures. We are going to be studying figure drawing in correct proportion, drawing a figure & then use these things to create our own Drawing with Scissors. This is one of my favorite second grade projects so keep your eyes open for some pictures to be coming your way as we begin production after Easter break! **Starry Night gadget prints**
**Pictures of Drawing with Scissors coming soon!!**

What's New in Third Grade

Third grade has finally finished with their clay critters! (I have the last load cookin' away in the kiln as I write!) They came out beautifully!! Their creativity always amazes me...from the interesting pots they came up with (an ant on a pinch pot that is shaped like a sandwich, a koala clinging to a tree, an Angry name it- we saw it this year!!) to the fantastic job they did with the glazing process. They are so proud of their work & I am too! They are so excited to be able to bring those home to show off to their families. So be on the look-out for the lions, and tigers, and bears..oh my! (Here are a few of the I have each class I will take some more pictures of the groups with their on the look-out for more to come soon!)